All is Welcome Here
Living in Love beyond Beliefs
Only by love can humans see Me and know Me and enter into Me. The one who works for Me, who loves Me, whose supreme aspiration is Me, free from clinging to all things, and with true affection for all creation, that one truly becomes one with Me.
*Bhagavad Gita, Hindu Scriptures
So we have come to know and to trust in the love God has for us. God is love. Anyone living in love, lives in God, and God lives in that one.
*I John 4.16, Christian Scriptures
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One morning, I said to Grace, "Odd, never before have you made such great Love with me, until last night, when I had forgotten your Name." She replied, "Yes, that is a secret of my way with you humans: The less you think you know me, the more I can give myself to you."
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Oneness is, is Oneness becomes - a single Oneness.
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